The pride of being Spanish manufacturers and the passion to combine handcrafts with design and innovation were recognized with the CEDMA 2020 Award.
Bernardo Palomares, BPM Lighting's founder, collected the award last Friday, March 6th, and dedicated his first words "to all the people who are part of the BPM Lighting family: employees, collaborators and customers".
The CEDMA award recognices BPM's trajectory that counts with international presence in more than 40 countries and has left its footprint on outstanding projects worldwide (Paris train station, América Express headquarters in Madrid, The Muga Wineries in La Rioja, Microsoft offices in Servia and so on).
In his commitment to innovation and proximity to the client, Palomares revealed that he wants to boost the digitalization of the company and therefore his next project is a new technological headquarters designed with the pillars of industry 4.0: advanced production techniques, smart technologies, big data methods ... all for greater automation, connectivity and globalization.